About Us

The Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare supports the full participation in academic careers for all scholars, through overseeing and promoting equitable hiring practices, supporting faculty relocation, and supporting faculty over the arc of their careers, including into retirement.

OFEW’s overarching goal is to help the University become its best self, continuing to change the academic culture and climate to reflect the institution’s values for all. OFEW places particular emphasis on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in all areas, including the integration of these principles in academic research, teaching, and service.

OFEW is part of the division of the Vice Provost for the Faculty and is led by Associate Vice Provost Julianna Deardorff. 

OFEW welcomes conversations with faculty, chairs, deans, and academic staff. You can reach our office by email (ofew@berkeley.edu) or phone (510-642-1935) (California Relay Service 711). You can also reach out directly to any of the contacts below if you have questions about any of the resources or information on this website. 

Julianna Deardorff, Associate Vice Provost for the Faculty

Professor, Berkeley School of Public Health


Julianna Deardorff

Julianna is a professor in Berkeley Public Health and a licensed clinical psychologist. She was a long-time member of the Academic Senate’s Diversity, Equity, and Campus Climate Committee (DECC).

Karie Frasch, PhD

Oasii Lucero

Program Coordinator

Marc Goulden, PhD

Director, Data Initiatives

Emily Bryant

Assistant Director

Matt Detert-Turner

Faculty Relocation and Home Loan Counselor

Tracy Pascua Dea, PhD

Academic Climate Program Director

Tessa Scott, PhD

SEA Change Project Coordinator