Teaching innovations

Benjamin Recht

I have mentored undergraduate, graduate students, and junior faculty in Computer Science at Berkeley since I arrived in 2013. I look forward to working with faculty at the assistant and associate levels to navigate their way towards success at Berkeley.

Grace O'Connell

I am joining as a core advisor because I benefited greatly from my own faculty advisor as an assistant professor.

Karen Nakamura

I’m excited at this opportunity to help create an environment of greater faculty inclusion and belonging on campus through the Faculty Link program. We all deserve to feel part of this great institution. Go Bears!

Martin Head-Gordon

I hope that I can be a useful sounding board for many of the challenges that young faculty face in trying to succeed at Berkeley. I will be happy to listen, to discuss, and to advise as best I can on any topic of interest or concern. While I have considerable experience in mentoring and advising, it is also enough to make me quite sure that I do not know all the answers!

Thomas M. Philip

I’ve always engaged in interdisciplinary collaborations and scholarship, which have been immensely rewarding. Earlier in my career, I found it extremely challenging to participate in distinct fields and speak across them, especially when addressing issues of race and power as a researcher. (These challenges certainly take new forms later in one’s professional trajectory.) I’m happy to be a thought partner with colleagues navigating similar opportunities and dilemmas.