Faculty Late Career and Retirement Liaison

Professor Emeritus Sam Davis is the UC Berkeley Faculty Late Career and Retirement Liaison. Sam serves as an advisor for Senate faculty who are considering retirement.  He offers faculty assistance in negotiating pre- and post-retirement arrangements with their chairs and deans, including Pathway to Retirement agreements, and helps to identify common issues and ways for the campus to address them.

Sam DavisSam brings to this role highly relevant experience, deep knowledge of the Berkeley campus, and a fresh approach to considering retirement. He joined the faculty in 1971 after graduating from the schools of architecture at UC Berkeley and Yale.  After his retirement, he served as Interim Dean of the School of Social Welfare on the Berkeley campus (2011-12) and as Interim Dean of The College of Environmental Design (2008-09).  Earlier, he was Chair of the Department of Architecture (1993-96) and Associate Dean of the College of Environmental Design (1998-2002). 

Sam is committed to building on UC Berkeley's tradition of supporting faculty who wish to continue contributing to UC Berkeley’s research, teaching, and service missions.  Sam’s own post-retirement leadership on campus exemplifies the value that emeriti contributions can provide.

Sam is available to Senate faculty throughout the campus by email (sdavis@berkeley.edu) and personal phone (510-712-0045).