Senate faculty hiring process
OFEW reviews/approves each of the starred steps below
1. FTE request & allocation
2. Search plan and process drafting
3. *Search plan approval
4. Open application period and candidate outreach
5. *Applicant pool approval
6. Applicant review and evaluation
7. *Shortlist approval
8. Campus visits
9. *Search report approval
10. Appointment case, campus offer, appointment and onboarding
Timelines for OFEW review
OFEW reviews senate search plans, applicant pools, shortlists, and search reports within the following timelines (from the time they reach our queue) and in the order they arrive. If revisions are needed, OFEW will request changes and the review timeline restarts.
- Senate search plans: one week*
- Senate applicant pools: two business days
- Senate shortlists: one business day
- Senate search reports: one week*
* For searches involving multiple departments without a single shared search process (e.g., cluster searches), please allow two weeks for OFEW review