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DEIBlueprint is a multi-campus pilot project at the University of California aimed at fostering healthy academic department climates by creating an easy-to-use process - a blueprint! - that sets departments up for success in assessing and addressing issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

Berkeley    -    Davis    -    San Francisco


As unique microcosms within larger university structures, academic departments play a significant role in building and maintaining a healthy climate. Departments typically do not have the expertise or time to effectively diagnose and address climate concerns. Ad hoc approaches can inadvertently cause harm, engender mistrust, or create a more negative environment for constituents.

DEIBlueprint seeks to make departments more inclusive for all by providing a step-by-step approach that includes a customizable climate survey “question bank” assessment tool to identify climate issues, and a standardized, affordable “toolkit” to help departments appropriately implement solutions to identified challenges.

DEIBlueprint will be implemented with participating departments across the three UC campuses (UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and UC San Francisco). Departments were chosen based on having a range of disciplines and sizes, as well as sufficient demographic diversity among its students, staff, and faculty. Additionally, departments were selected based on their likely ability to effectively participate in the pilot program and to benefit from it. Learn more about the program from our grant proposal.

The DEIBlueprint Approach

Program Team

Tracy Pascua Dea, Academic Climate Program Director


Sponsoring and Collaborating Units: Division of Academic Planning, Division of Equity & Inclusion, Graduate Division, Vice Provost for Faculty

Emily Bryant, Project Coordinator, Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare

Karie Frasch, Director, Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare

Marc Goulden, Director of Data Initiatives

Sharon Inkelas, Associate Vice Provost for the Faculty; Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor on Campus Welfare; Distinguished Professor of Linguistics

Dania Matos, Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion

Amy Scharf, Director, Faculty and Departmental Diversity Initiatives, Division of Equity and Inclusion

Liat Wexler, Prevention Manager, Faculty & Staff, PATH to Care Center, Division of Equity and Inclusion


Sponsoring and Collaborating Units: Academic Affairs, Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Philip Kass, Vice Provost, Academic Affairs; Distinguished Professor of Analytic Epidemiology,Population Health and Reproduction (Veterinary Medicine), and Public Health Sciences (Medicine)

Binnie Singh, Assistant Vice Provost, Academic Affairs

Renetta Garrison Tull, Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

San Francisco

Sponsoring and Collaborating Units: Office of Diversity and Outreach

Renee Navarro, Vice Chancellor, Diversity and Outreach; Professor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care

Elizabeth Ozer, Associate Vice Provost, Faculty Equity; Professor of Pediatrics