Non-Senate Search Plan Checklist

Verify that all of the following items are complete before submitting search plans for central campus review. For detailed information on academic recruitment policies, refer to the Non-Senate Search Guide.


General information

1. The recruitment name is in the correct format:  “Job Title – Area of specialization if applicable – Department/school/college."


Position details

2. If conducting a pool recruitment, the pool recruitment feature is turned on by selecting "Yes" at the bottom of the position details, "Pool recruitment?" section.


Position description

Note: Carefully review the description text; changes cannot be made after the recruitment is published.

3. The position description does not include any information that has a designated field in AP Recruit including:

a. Qualifications

b. Document and reference requirements

c. Apply link

d. Other links (the "Links" section can be found within the "Contact information" section on the "Details" page. Note: the labels can be customized)

e. Help contact email address

f. Deadline dates

g. Anticipated start

h. Position duration

i. Percent time

j. Salary

k. Review timeline



4. If letters of references will be used, the reference type is set up as “contact information only” (unless a special request has been approved by OFEW).


Basic qualifications

5. The Basic qualifications include only the required degree or enrollment in the required degree program.

6. If a specific degree is required, the degree language includes “or equivalent international degree” (e.g., “PhD or equivalent international degree”).

7. Fields/disciplines are not included. This applies to degrees (Bachelor of Science degree) and programs (PhD in History).


Groups for diversity outreach

8. The groups selected correspond with the groups currently underrepresented at Berkeley (specific to the position), identified from the tables linked in the "Campus Goals."


Core committee 

9. At a minimum, a committee chair is assigned.

Additional access

10. No one is assigned the “Faculty Editor” nor "Add'l (Staff) Editor" roles (unless a special request has been approved by OFEW).