Support for Inclusion

Faculty have many opportunities to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) are part of the university’s fundamental mission

“Diversity — a defining feature of California’s past, present, and future — refers to the variety of personal experiences, values, and worldviews that arise from differences of culture and circumstance.” [Regents Policy on University of California Diversity Statement]

“Ideas, and practices based on those ideas, can be made richer by the process of being born and nurtured in a diverse community.” [Regents Policy on University of California Diversity Statement]

“We recognize the intrinsic relationship between diversity and excellence in all our endeavors.” [Berkeley Principles of Community]

For faculty, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are a recognized part of excellence in teaching, research and service. 

"The University of California is committed to excellence and equity in every facet of its mission. Teaching, research, professional and public service contributions that promote diversity and equal opportunity are to be encouraged and given recognition in the evaluation of the candidate's qualifications." —APM 210-1-d 

“Diversity should also be integral to the University’s achievement of excellence.” [Regents Policy on University of California Diversity Statement] 

Promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging is something that all faculty can successfully do. 

Click on the sections below to learn about ways in which DEIB can be built into teaching, research, and service: