Exemptions from Searches and Search Waivers

Certain categories of non-senate positions are exempt from open recruitment. They do not require search waivers; however, all other policies associated with a specific academic title apply to such exempt positions. An exemption is continuous in duration until one or more qualifying conditions are changed.

Non-Salaried (0% time) and Without Salary (WOS) Appointments

This exemption  applies to appointees who are unpaid employees. The appointees in this category may have a UC Berkeley employee ID number but will not receive salary from the University. If an appointee is to receive salary from Berkeley subsequent to the initial non-salaried or without salary appointment, an open search or an approved search waiver is required.

Non-salaried (0% time) and without salary (WOS) titles covered by this exemption are:

  • Volunteer Clinical Faculty
  • WOS non-senate faculty (e.g., HS Clinical, Adjunct) who do not receive pay from an institution affiliated with UC (See ‘Multiple Affiliated Employers’ above), excluding IX Unit titles.
  • WOS non-faculty academics (e.g., Professional Research Series)
  • Visiting Titles (WOS)
  • Emeritus – including academic appointees who are conferred emeritus status as the  result of an academic review (Do not enter these titles into AP Recruit)

True Visitor

A visiting appointee, such as a visiting professor, who is a "true visitor," (i.e., is on leave from an academic or research position at another educational institution, research institution, or industry) and  is visiting the campus for research activity and/or to teach a course in his/her area of expertise  when appointed to a visiting faculty position is exempt from open search requirements.

Recall Appointments for Retired Academics

The University of California may recall to  active service, for a part-time term appointment, academic appointees who have retired from the University. This exemption acknowledges that these appointees would have previously undergone a search or been approved on a search waiver for their pre-  retirement appointment.

Concurrent WOS Appointment

A concurrent without salary academic appointment may be made for an appointee who is employed by the University in a staff, senior management group (SMG), or non-faculty academic title and who is asked to participate in occasional teaching activities that are directly related to the individual’s research or primary job. This exemption acknowledges that the primary paid appointment must have met the  requirements for a search or search waiver under the appropriate personnel policy.

Faculty Administrator Titles at Less Than 100% and Interim / Acting Positions

A faculty member who is appointed to assume administrative responsibility in addition to, or in  partial replacement of, his or her faculty responsibilities is considered a Faculty  Administrator. Faculty Administrators are normally compensated with stipends and/or  additional summer compensation, when appropriate. This exemption acknowledges that the  underlying faculty appointment required an open search or approved search waiver and that the administrative responsibilities do not constitute a new position.

Lecturer in Summer Session

Faculty holding appointments in the associated department  during the previous or following academic year and campus graduate students are exempt  from recruitment requirements for assignment to Summer Session instruction. Individuals who do not hold a faculty appointment or graduate student status are subject to open  search or waiver requirements.

Internal Hires (Change in Series)

Note that this exemption does not preclude an open  search for appointment to any academic series when required by University or campus policy. Rather, it acknowledges that an exemption may be applied when the change in  series is intended to recognize growth and development in professional skills, knowledge,  and responsibility of the appointee. All initial appointments in the senate series require an  open search or a search waiver per the criteria above.



Exemption Allowed?

Senate Faculty
e.g., Ladder, Teaching, In Residence, Clinical X

Non-Senate Faculty
e.g., Adjunct, Health Sciences Clinical 


Non-Faculty academic
e.g., Specialist, Professional Research Series, Project Scientists, Academic Coordinators


Senate Faculty
e.g., Ladder, Teaching, In Residence, Clinical X

Senate Faculty
e.g., Ladder, Teaching, In Residence, Clinical X

Yes – Ladder to In Residence or Clinical X (see below for Ladder to Teaching)

No - open search or approved search waiver required for change from Teaching Professor, In Residence, or Clinical X to Ladder

Non-Senate Faculty 
e.g., Adjunct, Health Sciences Clinical

Senate Faculty
e.g., Ladder, Teaching, In Residence, Clinical X

No – open search or approved search waiver required
Non-Senate Faculty 
e.g., Adjunct, Health Sciences Clinical
Non-Senate Faculty 
e.g., Adjunct, Health Sciences Clinical
Yes – excluding IX Unit titles. 
See “PI/Co- PI/Leadership Status” criterion for a special circumstance
Non-Faculty academic 
e.g., Specialist, Professional Research Series, Project Scientists, Academic Coordinators
Non-Faculty academic
e.g., Specialist, Professional Research Series, Project Scientists, Academic Coordinators
Yes – if appointment is within the same unit/lab or equivalent
Non-Faculty academic 
e.g., Specialist, Professional Research Series, Project Scientists, Academic Coordinators

Faculty (any series)

No – open search or approved search waiver required
Senate Ladder-Rank Faculty Teaching Professor series Yes – provided that a national search was conducted for the initial senate series, or a search waiver was approved for a target of excellence or spousal/partner hire or PPFP hire.
Equivalent titles - APM 115
(e.g., Astronomer Series, Agronomist Series) with no underlying Senate Ladderrank Faculty title
Senate Ladder-rank Faculty No – open search or approved search waiver required