Non-Senate Search Waiver Checklists

Please use the checklists to confirm all required items are complete before submitting non-senate search waivers for approval.

Emergency Hire

  1. This is an urgent and unanticipated need.

  2. The proposed appointment is for a limited period of time to temporarily accommodate the immediate need.
    - Lecturer appointments may not exceed one semester. 
    - All other appointments may only be granted for the period of time necessary to conduct a full and open recruitment (typically not to exceed four months).

  3. For lecturer titles, the candidate meets the minimum basic qualifications advertised in the unit’s lecturer pool. The unit must include in the justification section the JPF number to the open lecturer recruitment, or confirm that a lecturer pool will be opened.

  4. Documentation is uploaded to the waiver request that provides evidence of the urgent and unanticipated need, such as an email from the instructor/incumbent who dropped out at the last minute, an email from the current instructor/incumbent regarding an injury or illness, etc. Redact any personal information.

  5. The waiver duration/expiration type is “time limited.” 

  6. The appointment/proposed appointment start date and the justification/waiver duration/effective date match and are in the future (dates must be on or after the search waiver is approved).

  7. The Faculty Principal Investigator must approve the waiver for positions they oversee (e.g., in a lab or on a research project).

Continuation of Training

  1. The candidate is a Berkeley campus trainee (e.g., undergraduate or graduate student, postdoctoral scholar, fellow).

  2. The justification narrative indicates that the candidate is working to complete a research project begun while in student or trainee status, and the research project name is included.

  3. The candidate’s CV is up-to-date with the current research project, including the name of the project.

  4. The research project start date is included in the CV, and the candidate began working on the project a minimum of three months prior to the completion of the program/training.

  5. The waiver duration/expiration type is “time limited”.

  6. The appointment starts within three months of either the student’s graduation date or the postdoc’s appointment end date, and the waiver duration does not exceed 18 months. 
    - The “clock” starts immediately following the student’s graduation date or the postdoc’s appointment end date, even if the request for the waiver is not made until a later date.

  7. The appointment/proposed appointment start date and the justification/waiver duration/effective date match and are in the future (dates must be on or after the search waiver is approved).
    - The only exception for a retroactive start date is for filing fee status candidates.
    - The pre-training waiver proposed appointment start date/effective date is June 1st or later of the enrollment academic year.

  8. The Faculty Principal Investigator must approve the waiver.

PI/Co-PI/Leadership Status

  1. The Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) award documentation is uploaded. Gifts awarded do not qualify for this waiver criterion.

  2. The candidate is named as the PI or Co-PI on the SPO award documentation. 
    - “Equivalent leadership role” is only appropriate in cases where the grant funder specifically does not use the title PI, but the role is identical. 
    - Please note that all individuals listed as “key personnel” in the grant(s) must be hired through an open recruitment.

  3. The candidate will be paid 50% time or more of their total effort from the grant funds.
    - For multiple awards, that together fund at least 50% of the proposed appointment, upload a memo summarizing the funding sources and amounts.

  4. The waiver duration/expiration type is “time limited.

  5. The appointment/proposed appointment start date and the justification/waiver duration/effective date match and are in the future (dates must be on or after the search waiver is approved).
    - The waiver expiration date matches the end of the grant period

Spousal/Partner Hire

  1. The justification narrative includes the name of the individual’s spouse/partner and references the JPF number or search waiver in which the partner was proposed for hire.

  2. The appointment/proposed appointment start date and the justification/waiver duration/effective date match and are in the future (dates must be on or after the search waiver is approved).

  3. For a retention case, upload the retention letter in the supporting documents section.

Research Team

  1. The justification narrative includes the name of the new faculty member and references the JPF number or search waiver in which they were hired.

  2. The CV makses clear that the candidate was part of the existing research team of the new faculty member. 

  3. The waiver duration/expiration type is “permanent” as long as the candidate remains with the same research team in the same appointment series. 

  4. The appointment/proposed appointment start date and the justification/waiver duration/effective date match and are in the future (dates  must be on or after the search waiver is approved).

  5. The Faculty Principal Investigator must approve the waiver (if the faculty member has begun employment with the University). 

Multiple Affiliated Employers

  1. The justification narrative includes the name of the primary employer that is formally affiliated with UC and the UC campus. 

  2. A memo from the affiliate’s Academic Personnel Office or Human Resources is uploaded by the hiring unit to confirm the appointee was hired from an open search by their primary employer.

  3. The waiver duration/expiration type is “permanent” as long as the candidate continues to be employed by the affiliate. 

  4. The appointment/proposed appointment start date and the justification/waiver duration/effective date match and are in the future (dates must be on or after the search waiver is approved).