Consultation addressing current climate issues

The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD)

The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) oversees campus compliance with University of California and UC Berkeley policies prohibiting protected category discrimination(link is external) and harassment (including sexual harassment and violence). This oversight encompasses responding to and resolving reports of harassment and discrimination from students, staff, faculty, and visitors that are related to protected class and civil rights policies.

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Be Well at Work Employee Assistance

Counseling for UC Berkeley Faculty and Staff, and Employees of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. [Serves employees]

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers students short-term counseling for academic, career, and personal issues and also offers psychiatry services for circumstances when medication can help with counseling. [Serves students]

Center for Support and Intervention

Addresses prevention and intervention for harm and violence on campus, and provides support to students experiencing or causing distress in the campus community. [Serves students, staff, and faculty]

Academic Personnel Office (APO)

APO works closely with the Vice Provost for the Faculty to maintain high standards and fair processes in academic appointments, promotions, and merit increases. The Academic Personnel Office helps academic HR staff, faculty, chairs, and deans to stay up-to-date about the University’s policies and practices so that we can sustain a broadly shared understanding across our campus. [Serves academic personnel]

The PATH to Care Center

The PATH to Care Center leads the efforts to transform UC Berkeley into a community that is free of sexual violence, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, and stalking through prevention, advocacy, training, and healing. For 24/7 urgent confidential support, call the Care Line at 510-643-2005. [For faculty, staff, students, and visitors.]

Restorative Justice Center

Provides community-building circles and circles in response to harm, workshops, and trainings on restorative justice and conflict resolution. [Serves students, faculty, and staff]

The Ombuds Office for Students and Postdoctoral Appointees

A confidential, impartial, independent, and informal resource designated to assist the community in managing and resolving conflicts and other types of organizational concerns. [Serves students and postdoctoral appointees]

The Staff Ombuds Office

The Staff Ombuds Office provides informal conflict resolution and problem-solving services for all Staff, NonSenate Academics, and Faculty who perform management functions (including deans, departmental chairs, and directors). The Staff Ombuds Office provides individual assistance, mediation, training, and group conflict resolution.

Division of Equity and Inclusion

Provides numerous programs and services to advance diversity and inclusivity, including consulting, facilitation, resources, and training for faculty and departments. [Serves faculty, staff, and students]